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Understanding Use Value Appraisal in Vermont

Published: at 08:04 AM

In the scenic state of Vermont, property taxes can be a significant financial consideration for landowners. However, those committed to the preservation and constructive use of their agricultural or forest lands have an opportunity to mitigate these expenses through the Use Value Appraisal program. This initiative, also commonly referred to as “Current Use,” aims to encourage conservation and responsible land management by offering a reduction in property taxes to eligible landowners. This article will delve into the fundamentals of the Use Value Appraisal program in Vermont, exploring its benefits, eligibility criteria, and application process.

Benefits of the Use Value Appraisal Program

The Use Value Appraisal program presents numerous advantages for landowners in Vermont. The primary benefit is the potential for significant reductions in property taxes. By appraising land based on its use for agriculture or forestry rather than its market value, taxes are substantially lowered, making it financially viable for landowners to keep their land undeveloped and in productive use. This not only supports Vermont’s agricultural and forestry sectors but also promotes conservation and environmental sustainability.

Who is Eligible?

Eligibility for the Use Value Appraisal program is predicated on a few key criteria. Landowners must have a minimum of 25 contiguous acres for agricultural land or 25 acres for forest land to qualify. Agricultural land must be actively used for farming activities, while forest land must be managed according to a certified forest management plan. Additionally, there are requirements for public access and adherence to sound environmental practices.

Application Process

To apply for the Use Value Appraisal program, landowners must submit an application to the Vermont Department of Taxes. This includes a detailed management plan for forestry applicants, created with the assistance of a certified forester, to outline the conservation and harvesting strategies that will be employed. Agricultural applicants must provide evidence of ongoing farming activities. Applications are subject to approval by the county’s listers and the state’s Current Use Advisory Board. It’s crucial to adhere to the application deadlines and ensure that all documentation is accurately completed to avoid delays or rejection.

Maintaining Enrollment

Once accepted into the program, landowners must comply with the guidelines and management practices outlined in their application to maintain their eligibility. This includes allowing public access to the land for recreational purposes, as mandated by the program’s guidelines. Regular inspections are conducted to ensure compliance, and failure to adhere to the agreed-upon management plans can result in penalties or removal from the program.


The Use Value Appraisal program offers a vital lifeline for Vermont’s landowners who are committed to agricultural and forest conservation. By providing significant tax reductions, the program makes it feasible for these individuals to continue their conservation efforts without the financial burden typically associated with high property taxes. Interested landowners should carefully review the eligibility requirements and prepare their applications thoroughly to take advantage of this opportunity. By doing so, they not only benefit from reduced property taxes but also contribute to the preservation of Vermont’s cherished landscapes for future generations.

Navigating the intricacies of the Use Value Appraisal program is essential for maximizing its benefits. By staying informed and proactive, Vermont’s landowners can ensure they are making the most of this opportunity to support their commitment to land conservation and sustainable management.