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Understanding the Property Tax Adjustment in Vermont

Published: at 08:04 AM

In Vermont, homeowners have the opportunity to reduce their property tax burden thanks to the Property Tax Adjustment program. This guide provides comprehensive insights into what the Property Tax Adjustment is, who can benefit from it, and how to navigate the application process effectively.

What is the Property Tax Adjustment in Vermont?

The Property Tax Adjustment in Vermont is designed to help eligible homeowners mitigate their property tax loads based on their income levels. It acknowledges that property taxes can be disproportionately heavy for homeowners with limited incomes and aims to make housing costs more equitable. This adjustment is particularly beneficial in a state where property values—and subsequent taxes—can be high.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the Property Tax Adjustment, homeowners must meet several criteria set by the State of Vermont. These include:

There are additional considerations and exceptions, so it’s essential to consult the latest guidelines provided by the Vermont Department of Taxes.

How to Apply for the Property Tax Adjustment

Applying for the Property Tax Adjustment involves several steps. Here’s a simplified overview:

File Your Homestead Declaration

First, ensure your property is registered as your homestead by April 1st. This declaration is necessary for the property tax adjustment and must be filed annually.

Submit the Property Tax Adjustment Claim

The claim is part of your Vermont income tax return. When filing your state taxes, include Form HS-122, the Homestead Declaration and Property Tax Adjustment Claim. This can be done electronically or on paper, although electronic filing often results in faster processing times.

Provide Necessary Documentation

Be prepared to submit proof of your income, as it plays a crucial role in determining your eligibility for the tax adjustment. This may include tax returns, W-2 forms, and other relevant financial documents.

Review and Follow Up

After submission, ensure to track the status of your application and respond to any inquiries or requests for additional information from the tax department. Processing times can vary, so it’s crucial to apply as early as possible.

Benefits of the Property Tax Adjustment

The primary benefit of the Property Tax Adjustment is the potential reduction in your annual property tax bill, making homeownership more affordable for those who qualify. The amount of adjustment varies based on household income, property tax rates, and the value of your home.

Furthermore, the program ensures that your tax burden is more in line with your household’s financial capacity, offering a more equitable approach to property taxation in Vermont.


The Property Tax Adjustment in Vermont is a valuable program for homeowners looking to lessen their tax load. By understanding the eligibility requirements and application process, you can take steps toward making your living situation more financially sustainable. For more assistance, don’t hesitate to consult with a tax professional who can provide guidance tailored to your specific circumstances.

Remember, the deadline for filing your Homestead Declaration and Property Tax Adjustment Claim is crucial. Ensure that you have all your documents prepared in advance to take full advantage of this opportunity to reduce your property tax burden.