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Renewable Energy and Property Tax Incentives in Vermont

Published: at 08:04 AM

In the picturesque state of Vermont, where the landscapes are as green as the ethos of its residents, investing in renewable energy is not only an environmentally conscious decision but also a financially savvy one. Homeowners and businesses in Vermont are increasingly turning towards renewable energy sources like solar panels, wind turbines, and biomass systems not just to reduce their carbon footprint but to take advantage of attractive property tax incentives. These incentives make it easier for Vermonters to invest in renewable energy, offering a range of benefits that can substantially lower the cost of such systems.

Understanding the Property Tax Incentives for Renewable Energy in Vermont

Vermont offers several property tax incentives designed to encourage the adoption of renewable energy. These policies are not only a testament to the state’s commitment to sustainability but are also a boon for those looking to invest in renewable energy systems.

Solar and Wind Energy Systems

One of the most notable incentives is the exemption of solar and wind energy installations from state property taxes. This means that when you install solar panels or a wind turbine on your property, the value that these systems add to your property is not included when assessing property taxes. This exemption applies to systems up to a certain kW capacity, making it particularly attractive for residential and small business installations.

Net Metering

Net metering is another financial incentive that, while not directly related to property taxes, offers significant savings on utility bills for those who generate their own electricity. In Vermont, homeowners and businesses that produce excess electricity can feed it back into the grid and receive credits on their utility bills. Over time, these savings can offset the initial cost of installing renewable energy systems.

Special Assessments for Renewable Energy Projects

For larger renewable energy projects, Vermont offers special assessment benefits. This means that instead of being taxed based on their market value, these projects are assessed in a manner that considers the income they generate. This can lead to substantially lower property tax bills for larger installations, encouraging businesses and large-scale investors to consider renewable energy projects.

Maximizing Benefits

To maximize the benefits of Vermont’s property tax incentives for renewable energy, it’s crucial to understand the eligibility criteria and how to apply for these incentives. Homeowners and businesses thinking about installing solar panels, wind turbines, or other renewable energy systems should:


Investing in renewable energy in Vermont offers a unique opportunity not only to contribute to a more sustainable future but also to enjoy significant financial benefits through property tax incentives. These incentives underline Vermont’s commitment to green energy and provide a powerful motivator for homeowners and businesses alike to take the leap into renewable energy.

As the push for clean energy continues to grow, taking advantage of these incentives now can lead to long-term savings and a smaller carbon footprint. It’s an investment in the future that pays off in the present, making it an appealing choice for Vermonters dedicated to a greener planet and a healthier bottom line.