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Property Tax Payment Plans in Vermont: How to Apply

Published: at 08:04 AM

Struggling to pay your property taxes in Vermont can pose a significant financial challenge. However, the state understands the difficulties taxpayers sometimes face and offers solutions to ease this burden. Vermont’s property tax payment plans are designed to help property owners manage their payments more effectively, ensuring they can retain ownership of their homes while staying on top of their financial obligations. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of applying for a property tax payment plan in Vermont, making it easier for you to navigate your way to financial relief.

Understanding Property Tax Payment Plans in Vermont

A property tax payment plan in Vermont allows property owners to pay their due taxes in installments rather than a single lump sum. This approach can significantly reduce the immediate financial pressure by spreading the cost over a more manageable timeframe. The specific terms of payment plans can vary by municipality, as local town offices often have the autonomy to set their guidelines within the framework of Vermont state law.

Eligibility for a Payment Plan

Generally, to be eligible for a payment plan, you must be the owner of the property and have your taxes assessed in your name. Some towns may require that your property taxes are in arrears before you can apply for a payment plan, while others might offer the plan as a proactive measure. Additionally, demonstrating a financial need or undergoing a temporary hardship can strengthen your application.

How to Apply for a Payment Plan

To effectively apply for a property tax payment plan in Vermont, follow these steps:

1. Contact Your Local Town Office: The first step is to get in touch with your local town clerk or treasurer’s office. They will provide you with specific information on the payment plan options available, eligibility criteria, and the application process specific to your municipality.

2. Gather Required Documentation: You may be asked to provide documentation supporting your financial situation. This could include recent tax returns, pay stubs, a list of expenses, or documentation of unexpected financial hardships such as medical bills.

3. Fill Out the Application Form: Complete any required application form accurately. Ensure that all the information you provide is current and reflects your financial status genuinely and honestly.

4. Submit Your Application: Submit your application along with any required documentation to your local office. Be sure to do this ahead of any deadlines to avoid potential penalties or interest that could accrue on your unpaid taxes.

5. Await Approval: After submission, there will be a review period where your application is considered. Keep in close communication with the town office during this time and be prepared to provide any additional information if needed.

Advantages of Opting for a Payment Plan

By opting for a payment plan, you can avoid the pitfalls of falling severely behind on property taxes, such as accruing penalties or, in extreme cases, facing foreclosure. Payment plans can offer a viable path to stay financially afloat, maintain ownership of your property, and avoid the stress associated with significant financial strain.


Vermont’s property tax payment plan option is a testament to the state’s understanding of its residents’ sometimes unpredictable financial situations. By taking advantage of this opportunity, Vermont property owners can find a manageable way to fulfill their tax obligations without overburdening themselves. Remember, the key to successfully applying for and benefiting from a payment plan is clear communication with your local town office and a thorough understanding of the terms and conditions that apply. This proactive approach can help ensure that your financial wellbeing is safeguarded while you meet your civic duties.