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Comparing Property Taxes Across Vermont Counties

Published: at 07:54 AM

Vermont’s quaint towns, lush forests, and vibrant communities make it a desirable place to live. However, with homeownership comes the responsibility of understanding and managing property taxes, which can vary significantly from one county to another. This article offers an in-depth comparison of property tax rates across Vermont counties, aiming to help homeowners and potential buyers make informed decisions.

Understanding Property Tax in Vermont

Property tax in Vermont is a critical source of revenue for local governments, funding essential services such as education, road maintenance, and emergency services. The tax rate is calculated per $100 of assessed property value, but it’s essential to recognize that assessment practices and rates can differ substantially from county to county.

County-by-County Comparison

When comparing property taxes across Vermont counties, it’s helpful to look at both the tax rates and the average property values, as both factors influence the amount of property tax paid.

What Influences Property Tax Rates?

Several factors can influence property tax rates across counties:

Maximizing Benefits

To manage property taxes effectively, Vermont homeowners should:


Property taxes in Vermont can vary widely by county, influenced by a range of factors from educational spending to local amenities. Homeowners and potential buyers should consider both the tax rates and average property values when making decisions. By understanding the nuances of Vermont’s property tax system and actively participating in local governance, residents can better navigate and potentially minimize their tax obligations, ensuring they make the most of living in this beautiful state.