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Agricultural Property Tax Reduction in Vermont

Published: at 07:54 AM

In Vermont, the agricultural sector is not only a cornerstone of the state’s economy but also a major part of its charm and allure. Understanding how to navigate the property tax system can result in significant savings for farmers and agricultural landowners. This article aims to guide you through the process of benefiting from agricultural property tax reduction in Vermont, ensuring you can continue your farming operations with a lighter fiscal burden.

Understanding Vermont’s Use Value Appraisal Program

At the heart of Vermont’s agricultural property tax reduction efforts is the Use Value Appraisal (UVA) Program, sometimes referred to as the “Current Use” program. This initiative allows land used for farming, forestry, and conservation to be taxed based on its current use rather than its market value. The goal is to encourage the preservation of Vermont’s agricultural landscape by making it financially viable to keep lands in farming.

Eligibility for the Use Value Appraisal Program

To qualify for the UVA Program, agricultural land must meet specific eligibility criteria. First and foremost, a minimum of 25 contiguous acres of land is required for general agricultural operations, although smaller parcels may qualify if they are used for maple sugaring or if the annual farm income exceeds $2,000. Additional requirements include:

By meeting these requirements, landowners can significantly reduce the assessed value of their agricultural property for tax purposes, leading to substantial property tax savings.

How to Apply for the UVA Program

Application for the UVA Program is made to the Vermont Department of Taxes. The process involves submitting a detailed application that includes evidence of agricultural activity, a map of the land in question, and a fee. The application deadline is September 1st for eligibility in the following tax year. It’s important to consult with a tax advisor or a lawyer to ensure the application is filled out correctly and that you’re fully aware of the program’s obligations and benefits.

The Financial Impact of the UVA Program

Participating in the UVA Program can reduce your property taxes by a significant margin. Since taxes will be based on the use value of the land rather than its market value, the taxable amount can be considerably lower. However, it’s crucial to remember that if the land is withdrawn from the program or a change in use occurs, a penalty may be assessed based on the change in value.

Beyond the UVA Program: Additional Tax Considerations for Agricultural Lands

Besides the UVA Program, Vermont agricultural landowners should explore other state and federal tax provisions designed to support farming. These can include deductions for farm equipment, losses, and other farming-related expenses. Staying informed about these opportunities can further reduce the financial strain on agricultural operations.


Agricultural property tax reduction through Vermont’s Use Value Appraisal Program is a valuable tool for farmers and landowners committed to preserving the state’s agricultural heritage. By understanding and taking advantage of this and other tax benefits, Vermont’s agricultural community can continue to thrive. Always consult with a professional to ensure you’re making the most of the available tax benefits and fully complying with the program’s requirements.

For more insights and tips on navigating Vermont’s property tax landscape, stay tuned to Vermont Property Tax Tips, your go-to resource for maximizing your property’s financial potential.